Year of Experience
GREEN envisions a society where the poor and the marginalised enjoy equal rights, justice and opportunities and live in an environment of improved quality of life within the ambit of empowered community and sustainable development processes.
Explore MoreEndogenous Spices Tourism project in Kurangani has facilitated a community based tourism that would sustain, enhance and preserve mountain culture and ecosystem.
Explore MoreWhy Choosing Us!
Our Services
GREEN is in the forefront in protecting and promoting child rights, child participation and child protection among children and primary stakeholders. It works in close collaboration with TN Forces, Chennai.
Read MoreWomen constitute half the population. Development cannot be holistic unless better half of our population is involved. In patriarchal societies like ours, women are exploited and victimised and become weaker sections.
Read MoreTextile and clothing Industry, after agriculture, is the second largest sector in the Indian economy providing direct employment to over 35 million people. It also generates output, foreign exchange earnings and indirect employment
Read MoreGREEN is organising training programs on reproductive child health, personal hygiene, skin disorders, family health, and child care, home based remedial measures and health issues related to women.
Read MoreNearly eighty percent of our population in our project area live in villages. Among them, nearly seventy percent depend on agriculture for their daily bread. Due to capricious rainfalls, vast majority of cultivable lands remain drought-prone most part of the year.
Read MoreThe living condition and knowledge exposure of our belonging Indigenous community in the Megamalai Hills in Western Ghats, Theni Dist, Tamilnadu located in the southern stretch of Western Ghats of India are very distressed and pathetic in condition.
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See MoreDolores sed duo clita tempor justo dolor et stet lorem kasd labore dolore lorem ipsum. At lorem lorem magna ut et, nonumy et labore et tempor diam tempor erat.
Dolores sed duo clita tempor justo dolor et stet lorem kasd labore dolore lorem ipsum. At lorem lorem magna ut et, nonumy et labore et tempor diam tempor erat.