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Health Care Awareness Training to Rural Women

GREEN is organising training programs on reproductive child health, personal hygiene, skin disorders, family health, and child care, home based remedial measures and health issues related to women. We trained 25 women participants from women SHGs and young girls. In addition, members from women self help groups from nearby hamlets were also permitted to observe the training process.

Resource Team from GREEN provided resources to enrich the training process. In addition, resource persons and experts from relevant fields provided guest lecturers. During the training process, women participants clarified their doubts on health measures.

As a follow-up measure, GREEN has been organising health awareness programs in its target villages to promote health of rural women and adolescent girls. The program targeted mainly members of women SHGs and Health Clubs and adolescent girls. Apart from this, we arranged periodical meetings of women SHGs where the members discussed health related issues of rural women. We also supported rural women especially pregnant women and young mothers on child care practices, personal hygiene, HIV/AIDS and STI, RTI etc. Our staff members assisted rural women along with the village level health workers in the working villages.

Award Winning

Dedicated Team